Looking for a sweater mockup generator? Mockups are widely used to show how a design will look on a piece of garment. Most of the tools are used for T-shirt or sweater mockup creation. But some tools not only create a mockup, but the production file that can be directly used to produce the sweater or shirt.

The Wildemasche Online Designer is one of the tools that can create the actual production ready file. And it is not used for printing on sweaters, but the sweater is knitted, and the design is also knitted. Put in any stock photo, template, pattern or clipart, and watch the visualisation preview.
Your photoshop design can also be previewed and knitted. Use the upload feature to add your custom design and create a sweater mockup in no time. Order directly in the shop and have it produced in any quantity from 1 piece.
The perfect custom crewneck clothing, with knitted in allover design on sweater front, back and sleeves.