When it comes to ugly sweater with stock photos, most people think of christmas sweater with images printed on. But the modern photo sweater is a retro one: knitted stitch by stitch, so the design comes out knitted and ugly, all at once.
Using royalty-free pictures helps a lot to get your custom knit sweater for the next party, beating the other sweaters around, because yours is custom made. From ugly-sweater to nice looking dude in premium knitwear is only a small step. Shutterstock vectors won’t be helpful on that way, because the knitted sweater is not a printed sweatshirt.
You will get the best results by doing your custom design online. But this does of course not mean giving up on high-quality images for sweaters. It is rather a task of deciding how your knitsweater should look & feel, in terms of a photo realistic turn out, or being art in the form of knitwear. And so your next familiy gathering, may it be on christmas or throughout the year, can be rather funny or awkward this way.
Get inspiration for your personal sweater anywhere, from IStock, Pinterest, from illustrations, Amazon or Shutterstock. Then create your fashion piece, and wear it for that special occasion.