You’ve probably seen tons of scarves, shirts, and blankets that are pro-something or the other. “Go Lions!” they say, “I Love the Smell of Bacon in the Morning” they scream, letting you know just how much the wearer loves their favorite team or food. We’ve taken the idea of the pro-apparel and turned the idea completely on its head. It’s nice to show your support and passion for something, but how much more fun would it be to show your dislike of something instead?

German folk scarf
Our Anti-scarf generator embraces this idea completely by randomly designing a completely unique scarf that’s made up an attractive pattern and text that show your aversion to a completely random team, item, or genre. There’s no better way to effortlessly create a fantastic, high quality scarf that shows just what you think about your least favorite things.

Anti honk scarf
Just a few examples of some of the text you can get with our Anti-scarf generator are:
Nobody loves Sabres
There should be no more gin
I hate the sound of Vocal Jazz in the morning
Scarf Against Salami
Stop Playing That Silly Reggae
And much, much more…
Once you find a design and text that you think complement each other, you have the option to render a completely 3-Dimensional preview. After you’ve seen the 3-D version and approve of it, you can add it to your cart and purchase it.

3D Anti-scarf preview
If you think you’re getting close to the perfect design, but don’t 100% love the scarf, you have the option of adding the random design to your cart and then editing it further at
You can change the colors in the pattern; add further text, pictures, and more in order to ensure that you’ll be getting not just a randomly generated scarf, but the scarf that’s perfect for you.